Premature ejaculation is a common problem among men. According to statistics, 30-35% of men in the world complain of an early ejaculation and would like to prolong intercourse.
Cryoablation of the dorsal nerve of the penis is a new less invasive method for the treatment of premature ejaculation. The method is based on local freezing of the branches of the dorsal nerve of the penis. With this method, through a thin puncture of the skin of the penis, a special cryoprobe is used to cool the nerve to minus 70 degrees. The so-called demyelination occurs, as a result, the conduction of impulses along the nerve slows down. After 12-18 months, sensitivity is restored, but during this time a conditioned reflex is formed for the normal duration of sexual intercourse. ltrasound navigation is used for precise targeting of the nerve. Manipulation lasts 15 – 20 minutes, under local anesthesia.
The duration of sexual intercourse increases at least 2 – 2.5 times.
Is there any research on this mode of treatment for premature ejaculation?
Yes there are studies on this form of treatment.
Here you can find the studies
Cryosurgery for Premature Ejaculation is a minimally invasive and safe procedure. So far none of the patients have reported any sensation loss, erectile problems etc after undergoing the treatment.
It takes on an average about 30-40 minutes for the whole procedure. It is done under local anesthesia.
Yes you will be discharged the same day. You can resume all activities within a few hours.
It takes usually about 3-4 weeks to see the results but in some cases can take upto 8 weeks.
If you want to understand whether this method is right for you, you need to perform a test with a topical anesthetic: 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse, spray 10% lidocaine aerosol onto the naked glans penis, wash the glans with water after 5 minutes – so as not to reduce sensitivity of the partner. If, as a result, the duration of sexual intercourse increases, then selective cryoablation of the dorsal penile nerve is the right choice for you.
Yes this is a very good treatment option for those suffering from hypersensitivity of the glans.