IASH India: Institute of Andrology & Sexual Health India
  • 12 Erectile Dysfunction Food & Dietary Items For ED

    From Banana to kale, from pistachio to oysters, from watermelon to Cocoa powder, There are some magical foods that can help you to cure Erectile Dysfunction naturally. Sexual pleasure is essential not only for personal satisfaction but also to keep marriages rolling.

    What if couples are not able to enjoy intimate moments? If the performance of men drops down? What if size matters? Sex Drive is important for men? Like the following concern, Erectile dysfunction is one of the significant sexual problems that directly affect a man’s ability to perform during sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction creates erection issues in men, which makes men incapable of getting or maintaining an erection in the penis. It will surely build frustration and complexity in men which will eventually hamper the relationship among spouses and go to the extent of divorce.

    What if you can save yourself from this plight by following this guide on food and a better diet plan?

    Erectile dysfunction can be medically treated through therapies, injections, medication, and counseling. A healthy lifestyle and a few categories of foods also help cure erectile dysfunction.

    According to a survey done in 2018, ED (Erectile Dysfunction) commonly known as impotence is one of the major sexual problems in men found in India. Irregular and unhealthy eating habits, stress, smoking, and drinking are some of the main causes that have increased the cases in recent times.

    Erectile dysfunction caused when there is no proper blood flow in the reproductive region of men. This usually happens due to disturbing blood pressure or any injury that had happened in the past. A person suffering shows various erectile dysfunction symptoms, which affect the normal routine. Read more about erectile dysfunction in Hindi

    However, having a healthy body & diet is an essential aspect everyone should consider while getting treatment for erectile dysfunction. Many erectile dysfunction foods can help you with your endeavours and help you with erectile dysfunction.

    12 Best Erectile Dysfunction Food and Dietary

    Research has shown that some of the best-known food items that contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients help in a healthy reproductive system and hormonal balance, which ultimately leads to a healthier sex drive. 

    The nutrient composition of food helps to improve blood flow, gives strength to muscles, and maintains hormone balance, thus helping in the proper functioning of reproductive organs.

    High sex drive Proper circulation & stamina Relaxing blood vessel
    Food rich in Vitamin A(Aphrodisiac) Food rich in Vitamin C(Flavonols) Antioxidants(nitric oxide)
    • Asparagus
    • Carrot
    • Green vegetables
    • WaterMelon
    • Coconut water
    • Pomegranate seeds
    • Nuts
    • Blueberries
    • Juices
    • Garlic
    • Chocolates
    • Coffee

    Food rich in Vitamin Aphrodisiac

    An aphrodisiac is a category of food items that are considered to be the best food to cure erectile dysfunction naturally. They are a superfood that helps in improving the low sex drive in men. Rich in vitamin A is good for producing good sex hormones or increasing sex drive, these foods make a perfect diet to increase low libido.

    • Asparagus: These Fresh Green stems are a delicious rich source of Vitamin A helping to stimulate sex hormones.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 2.2 g 4%
      • Vitamin A 15%
      • Vitamin C 9%
      • Calcium 2%
      • Iron 11%

      Reduce blood pressure, help in digestion and weight loss

    • Carrot: Fresh roots are important fiber sources helping to stimulate sex hormones. An antioxidant found in orange color is converted in Vitamin A. Its rich source of Vitamin A.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein: 0.9 grams
      • Sugar: 4.7 grams
      • Fiber: 2.8 grams
      • Fat: 0.2 grams

      Reduce blood pressure, help in digestion and weight loss, improved eye health. Stimulate sex hormones

    • Green Vegetables: Spinach, Methi, Cabbage, peppers are greeny leafy vegetables are food to eat to cure erectile dysfunction and to aid your sex life. They are also nutritional powerhouses. They’re rich in vitamins, minerals, and omega-3s.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 2.9 g 5%
      • Vitamin A 187%
      • Vitamin C 46%
      • Calcium 9%
      • Iron 15%

      Reduce blood pressure, help in digestion and weight loss, improved eye health

    Food rich in Vitamin c to help Flavonols

    Flavonol’s food is rich in Vitamin C and can be found in plant-based foods like citrus fruits, blueberries, strawberries, apples, pears, cherries, blackberries, radishes, and blackcurrant. Some teas, herbs, and wines also have flavonoids in them. These Foods for erectile dysfunction help in blood circulation, improve stamina and increase the size.

    • Watermelon: One of the favorite foods for building sexual stamina and proper blood flow in the body. The citrulline found mainly in the rhein is responsible for relaxing the muscles and increasing stamina. Since its high, sugar diabetes, patients should take on a limited diet.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 0.6 g 1%
      • Vitamin A 11%
      • Vitamin C 13%

      Proper blood circulation, increase stamina, helps hydration

    • Coconut water: The most wavering food item is high in vitamin C and is power-giving food. Consumption of coconut oil daily can improve sexual stamina.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 0.7 g 1%
      • Vitamin A 0%
      • Vitamin C 4%
      • Calcium 2%
      • Iron 1%

      Proper blood circulation, increase stamina, helps hydration

    • Pomegranate seeds: Rich in iron, this fruit helps in proper circulation of blood flow, thus improving erection and sexual drive.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 1.7 g 3%
      • Vitamin A 0%
      • Vitamin C 17%
      • Calcium 1%
      • Iron 1%

      Proper blood circulation, increase stamina, helps hydration, opens the blood vessel

    • Nuts:Pistachio, and watermelon seeds, are rich in vitamin c and proteins; hence are a perfect power diet for those who want to increase their performance stamina.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 20 g 40%
      • Vitamin A 8%
      • Vitamin C 9%
      • Calcium 10%
      • Iron 21%
      • Vitamin D 0%
      • Vitamin B-6 85%

      Proper blood circulation, increased stamina, increased immunity, and opening blood vessels.

    • Blueberries:This low-calorie superfood is a natural remedy for erection problems. The intake of blueberries in the diet will help to increase stamina and reduce weight.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 0.7 g 1%
      • Vitamin A 1%
      • Vitamin C 16%

      Proper blood circulation, increased stamina, and increased immunity.

    • Apples:High source of vitamin C, this fruit can help to solve erection problems by increasing stamina and with the proper flow of blood in blood vessels.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 0.3 g 0%
      • Vitamin A 1%
      • Vitamin C 7%

      Proper blood circulation, Increased immunity and Stamina.

    Food rich in Antioxidant Nitric-oxide

    When antioxidants work in our body, it releases nitrates, the chemical responsible for blood vessel dilation. Due to this, we have proper flowing of blood through our body parts which helps in the proper recovery of erectile dysfunction.

    • Coffee:This has caffeine and antioxidants that help boost blood flow. This superfood item can help to relax the blood vessel.

      Nutrients table

      • Protein 0.1 g 0%
      • Caffeine 40 mg

      Increase physical performance, relax blood vessels, and increase longevity.

    • Dark Chocolate: The intake of dark chocolate daily can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. Rich in nutrients, flavonols help in making sufficient amounts of nitric oxide that helps in erection.

      Nutrients table

      • High in caffeine

      Increase physical performance, relax blood vessels, and increase longevity.

    • Garlic: The heat of garlic stimulates sexual desire by increasing nitric oxide production in the body. This chemical is responsible for blood vessel dilation and essential for erection. Including garlic in your diet will help to keep your arteries healthy.

      Nutrients table

      • Rich in vitamin C and magnesium

      Increase physical performance, relax blood vessels, increases libido and increase longevity.

    Which are the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction?

    Though every food has some other nutritional value, there are some food items that may cause impotence that needs to be avoided.

    Here are the 6 worst foods for erectile dysfunction that can affect your long run potentially.

    • Alcohol
    • Junk food
    • Refined flour
    • Fried food
    • Caffeine
    • Sugar

    The Guide on Diet for erectile dysfunction

    Eating a healthy diet, particularly a Mediterranean diet, can help to cure erectile dysfunction – this diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, & olive oil. Nuts and fish are good additions.

    When you follow a healthy diet routine, it helps the body to keep working in order. When you follow a healthy diet routine, you are helping yourself to maintain weight, manage optimum sugar levels in the blood, and also reduce the risk of blood vessel damage, which can undermine blood flow.

    Diet isn’t the only path to good performance, however. Other lifestyle habits, like regular exercise, quitting smoking, and managing depression, are important too.

    Does Diet Affect Erectile Dysfunction?

    According to a study it has been found by an association between dietary cholesterol and unsaturated fat intake and the incidence of ED. Other studies have also shown that eating a Mediterranean diet—mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats (like olive oil)—may prevent ED.

    Other ways to treat ED

    There are many other ways by which you can treat ED. Some of the other ways than the foods are below:-

    • Medications – There are several medicines like Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil that can help you to cure ed. But before taking these kind of medication you should consult a doctor. Read more about how to increase sex stamina with medicine
    • Herbal products – There are also many herbal or all-natural products on the market.
    • Surgery – There are surgeries that can help you to cure ED like Implantation and Reconstruction
    • Exercise – Researchers advise that a 160-minute weekly exercise over a 6-month period can help reduce erectile problems that occur with obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases.


    Although a good diet is a very important part of a healthy life. However, if you still feel confused about your erectile dysfunction diet and erectile dysfunction treatment. You can visit Our Sexologist in Gurgaon and have a discussion about your condition.

    Frequently Asked Question

    Q1. What Food Works Like Viagra?

    Getting arginine from high-protein food can help in sexual performance. They help in the proper circulation of blood in the penis region that’s why many people also consider them penis enlargement foods. Some of the protein foods containing L-arginine are raw eggs, pork, nuts, tomatoes, oyster, bananas, porridge, and many more.

    Q2. What Is The Fastest Way To Cure Erectile Dysfunction?

    There is no fastest way to cure Erectile Dysfunction. Maintaining a daily right routine of a healthy diet and walking will surely show positive results in no time. There are many herbal supplements, vitamins, and supplements available in the market falsely proclaiming to cure Ed in no time. Please be aware of such products.

    Q3. What foods make you more sexually active?

    Maca Is the food responsible for high libido in both men and women, It is a cruciferous green vegetable belonging to the family of broccoli and pear and is high in vitamin C, copper, and iron. People consume it by making it as powder and adding it to oats with some tomatoes and chili peppers.

    Q4. Can a plant-based diet reverse ed?

    A plant-based diet like the Mediterranean diet is capable of reversing ED.

    Q5. Can you name some medical vitamins and supplements to cure Ed?

    Some of the common vitamins and supplements prescribed are Dhea, Ginseng, Yohimbe, and Horny Goat Weed. Please consult our sex specialist before introducing any supplement to your diet.