IASH India: Institute of Andrology & Sexual Health India
Best Ways on How to Increase Sex Time For Men

Most partners look for ways to increase sex time for a pleasurable time permanently. There are plenty of ways to do so starting from natural practices to medications, a healthy diet, and exercises. Herbal medicines and tablets are also proven to be beneficial for Increase sex time.

How Long does sex normally last?

There is no such specific amount of time for sex. It depends on you and your partner how long encounter you want. However, the average sex time for each couple (that is, averaged across all the times they had sex) ranged from 33 seconds to 44 minutes. That’s an 80-fold difference. So it’s clear there’s no one “normal” amount of time to have sex. The average (median, technically) across all couples, though, was 5.4 minutes

Vaginal sex time typically lasts for 3 to 7 minutes. This is said, According to a survey taken by the Society for Sex Therapy and Research Member. And Vaginal sex that lasts less than 7 minutes is considered to be very short. And Vaginal Sex that lasts for more than 10 minutes is considered to be too long.

Pleasure is an essential thing in a couple’s life, just like other necessities like food or water. And sex is one such activity that every person relishes and which also has innumerable benefits. It is one of the most natural ways to make you relax and create bonds with your partner. But it is not always familiar, and sometimes the men face trouble during that time. One of the major problems is the reduced sex time that can lead a couple to face bad relationships and unsatisfied sexual time.

How to Increase Sex Time

How to Increase Sex Time without Medicine?

Medicines help increase sex time, but there is another way to do the same. It is said that sexual stamina depends on biological as well as mental health. There are many other ways to increase sex timings and enhance your performance in bed. Follow these sex tips to improve your stamina.

1. Protein-full diet

A protein-full diet is the most effective for increasing bedtime as it strengthens your pelvic muscles and maximizes your bedtime. The foods rich in protein are fish, oysters, eggs, chicken breasts, soya beans, turkey, skimmed milk, etc.

2. Intake of fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of maintaining vitamins and minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, and arginine: which are the best source for increasing the libido and sex drive in men. Watermelon, ginger, avocado, garlic, beetroots, and spinach are some of them. They release sex hormones that keep you in bed for a long time.

3. Forearm training

Forearm training

Muscular forearms several times play a very vital role during sexual intercourse, and that’s why you must keep your forearms strong and rigid. With proper training and exercises, you can give yourself the energy for a better sexual time.

4. Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic Floor Exercises

The pelvic area is the place that holds PC muscles, and these hammock-shaped muscles help you perform better, or we can say stretch your sex time as well. Through proper weight training, squats, and exercises, you can develop a solid body for better stamina in bed.

5. Practice Start & Stop Technique

The start & Stop technique is one tool that can immediately increase sex time. Despite having good stamina, Most men ejaculate quickly and ruin their experience. Sometimes sexual issues like premature ejaculation force men to ejaculate quickly. In this situation, the Start & Stop technique can help you improve Sex time immediately. During intercourse, when you feel ejaculated, immediately stop stimulating the penis for a few seconds and then start again. This stopping & starting stimulation will immediately lower the urge to ejaculate & orgasm during sex.

6. Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the factors that reduce your sex time. Stress also causes low sex drive and erectile problems in men, which is directly connected to low sex time in bed. Managing or reducing your stress level can help you increase your sex time in bed. Do exercise, meditate or take medical advice to reduce it.

7. Stop Bad Habits

Bad habits like smoking cigarettes & Drinking alcohol also affect the sexual performance of men. Eliminating these habits or replacing them with other healthier habits may help you with better sexual performance. A study by ahajournals in 2017 suggested that small amounts of red wine can increase blood circulation. However, Consuming too much alcohol can adversely affect your health, so keep alcohol intake controlled. Smoking cigarettes reduces the blood vessels, which increases the risk of erectile problems & impotence. You can replace these habits with more healthy habits like exercising, meditation & eating healthy.

Natural Ways to Increase Sexual Stamina-

Ejaculation is one of the most important things when it comes to satisfying sexual intercourse. The average time for ejaculation is considered to be around 5 to 6 minutes, and if your figures are not close to these, then you might have the issue of premature ejaculation. Find out the causes of premature ejaculation and its symptoms to get clarity on your sexual conditions.

If you are not having any sexual problems, then here are some natural ways that can help you increase your sexual stamina:

  • Exercise Regularly

    Exercises and workouts are considered to be an effective way of eliminating sexual problems in men and also improving sex stamina. Regular workouts can also improve your cardiovascular health, which results in enhanced sexual energy.Some little daily cardio-vascular exercises for men and women enhance stamina for better sex time. You do not have to perform intense workouts for that, but some traditional practices can work the same way as running, dancing, cycling, swimming, etc.

  • Eat a Healthy Diet

    Though there is no real evidence to bring light on how changing food habits can help you in enhancing your sexual stamina, there are some types of food that scientifically make you stay longer in bed. It is because changing to a healthy diet with more proteins and vitamins improves your cardiovascular health, which eventually can help you rise up your stamina. If you want to focus on increasing your sexual stamina then you can also go for erectile dysfunction food and diet plan for better results.

  • Masturbate

    Believe it or not, masturbation can also help you to improve your sex time with your partner. By doing so, you can control your orgasm times and help you if you are suffering from premature ejaculation.

There are plenty of female partners who find masturbation effective and also help them to bring more time to orgasm. All these things ultimately lead to pleasurable sex.

How to Increase Sex Time with Medicine?

There are many men who get concerned about sex time as it affects them and their partners’ sex life. This is the reason why they look for ways to enhance their performance and bedtime by various means. One of them is to be taking proper medications.

Sex Tablets are proven to be most effective in enhancing sex time in a couple. You can find tons of sex tablets in the market that can help you achieve enhanced sexual stamina. We will share some of the best medicines popularly used to increase sex time and libido. Some of the sex tablets can help you to increase sex time with medicine like Roman Swipes, Sildenafil, Vardenafil, and more. Which helps increase blood circulation in your penis and gives a stronger and longer erection during sex. many people also use these medicines to increase penis size and strength but it’s a misconception about these medicines. Moreover, Before taking any kind of medicine you should first consult with a sexologist.

Also read: Sex time Badhane ki medicine

How to Increase Bed-Time with Ayurvedic Medicines?

There are many manufactured products that can boost sex power in a person but are proven to be unsafe or come with adverse after-effects on the body and health. On the other hand, Ayurvedic products have comparatively fewer side effects and are more reliable either.

  1. Ashwagandha – Improves blood circulation to increase sexual desires because of the nitric oxide production in the body.
  2. Talmakhana – Increase the blood flow in the genitals which enhances sex power.
  3. Shilajit – Rich in fulvic acid that levels up the level of testosterone and libido in men.
  4. Shatavari – Increases power and strength in terms of sex.

What causes low Sex-Drive in a person?

What causes low Sex-Drive in a person?

The sex drive is a kind of complex interaction that holds various things like intimacy, emotion-connection, beliefs, physical well-being, and the relationship between you and your partners. If any of the above-mentioned things are experiencing any problems, then it can affect your sex time and drive. Below are some of the causes of low sex drive:-

  • Sexual problems – Experiencing pain and discomfort during sex or the inability to reach orgasm might make you lose interest in sex, erection problems like erectile dysfunction(स्तंभन दोष) or ejaculation issues like premature ejaculation.
  • Medical Diseases – Many anti-sexual problems are responsible for affecting sexual desires like cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, and arthritis.
  • Medications – Certain types of drugs can cause you to suffer your sex drive like antidepressants if taken in a large amount.

Want to know more about sexual problems and their solutions?

If you are concerned about how to improve your male libido issues or sexual desire issues then you can visit Dr. Chirag Bhandari- The Best Sexologist in Delhi at the Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health. We are experts in identifying all types of sexual problems including male libido issues and providing treatments with the highest success rates in the whole of India.

Frequently Asked Question –

Q1. What is the Good time for Sex?

Go straight with your partner after 45 minutes you woke up in the early morning. That’s the time you can bring your peak energy level to encounter. Energy levels are at their highest after a night’s sleep and both partners have more stamina.

Q2. How many times sex in a day is healthy?

There is no such thing as called the normal count of having sex. It always depends on your partner and what will be the frequency. If you are having intercourse once or multiple times a week or daily that is your choice and normal.

Q3. Which drink is good for sex?

There are 5 drinks that you can have daily for good sex aloe vera juice, pomegranate juice, milk, banana shake, and watermelon juice.

Q4. What makes a man release quickly?

There are many reasons that a man releases quickly like physical, chemical, and emotional/psychological factors cause premature ejaculation.

Q5. Does sex increase weight?

No there is no relation between sex and weight gain. But yes if you have too much sex that can lead to some weight loss. As calories burn so it leads to weight loss.