IASH India: Institute of Andrology & Sexual Health India
Erectile Dysfunction Causes: You Should Be Aware Off

Erectile Dysfunction is caused due to psychological stress or physical impotence. This sexual performance dysfunction is common among men above 40 years. The potential causes of Dysfunction need to be timely diagnosed so that you can get the right treatment. Determining and Treating Erectile Dysfunction causes can help both partners to improve their quality of life and make a new healthy sexual life.

What is Erectile Dysfunction? It is the inability to keep or get a penile erection. For people suffering from this sexual problem, the erection hardly happens, or if it happens, it lasts only for a few minutes.
As Erectile Dysfunction often leads to dissatisfaction in sexual life, it is also the primary cause of mental trauma among men. Many marriages are reportedly broken due to this poor performance of men. Sex drive in men is important to keep marriage rolling!!
According to Dr. Chirag Bhandari world renowned Sexologist in Jaipur, Consulting a sexologist is the best way to treat erectile dysfunction faster. A Sexologist can provide you right relationship counseling and proper medication to cure ED problems.

Most Common Erectile Dysfunction Causes

There are several causes of erectile dysfunction. Some important erectile dysfunction causes are as follows: The primary cause of the problem is considered to be a psychological problem. Any person suffering from symptoms of erectile dysfunction like anxiety, depression, stress, and fear may find it hard to enjoy intimate moments.

 Erectile Dysfunction And Causes

Erectile Dysfunction causes can vary from person to person but the major causes are related to the circulation of blood around the pelvic region and a person’s blood pressure. Any type of heart disease, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis can cause Erectile Dysfunction as the following diseases affect the proper circulation of blood into the penis area. Proper blood flow is necessary for getting a normal erection.

  1. Medications – Thiazides, B-blockers (much debated), anti-depressants (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs/SNRIs)) etc
  2. Neurogenic – Spinal cord and brain injuries, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke
  3. Cavernosal – Peyronie’s disease
  4. Surgery – Previous bowel, bladder, prostate, or rectal surgery or radiotherapy can damage the nerves and vasculature involved in developing an erection
  5. Metabolic disease – Diabetes mellitus, hypopituitarism/secondary hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, or renal failure
  6. Lifestyle – Smoking is a major cause of ED, as are obesity and lack of physical exercise
  7. Ageing – ED is four times more common in men in their 60s relative to men in their 40s
  8. Psychological – Anxiety, depression, or stress
  9. Vascular – Atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency

In some cases, smoking, and drugs have also been considered common causes of erectile Dysfunction.

  • Nerve Damage

    A proper nerve system is essential for a man to keep having a normal erection. Men may find difficulty in erection when they suffer nerve damage. Nerve damage can be caused due to;

    • Spinal cord trauma
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Diabetic neuropathy
    • Pelvic surgery (prostate, bowel)
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Poor Blood Flow

    Poor blood flow is the outcome of many diseases or bad lifestyles. The improper blood flow also affects suitable penis erection. Some of the reasons for poor blood flow are;

    • Atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries)
    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Smoking
  • Urological Problems

    • Peyronie’s disease
    • Pelvic trauma
    • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Psychological

    It is important to know that ED is a type of sexual illness that can be caused by both physical and psychological disorders.
    If the cause of ED is on an occasional basis that means a night off because of any drug usage or medication influence then there is no point of concern. But if the erection issue is because of performance anxiety related-worries then you need to get a proper solution for Erectile dysfunction symptoms.

    Erectile Dysfunction Psychological causes

    • Performance Pressure
    • Depression
    • Work-Related stress
    • Relationship Issues between a couple
    • Lack of understanding between the partner
    • Lack of sexual desire

Quick Check On Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused by Depression? – Yes
  2. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused by anxiety? – Yes
  3. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused due to loss of attraction towards a partner? – Maybe
  4. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused due to performance anxiety? – Yes
  • Physical Erectile Dysfunction Causes

    According to the journal of sexual medical health, various studies and research stated that cardiovascular diseases and metabolism issues are also the main cause of ED at an early age. Some of the physical Erectile Dysfunction causes seen in men are

    • Heart Diseases
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Tobacco and Alcohol consumption
    • Peyronie’s disease
    • Clogged Blood Vessels
    • Prostate cancer
    • Any past surgeries or injuries
    • Atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries.

Quick Check On Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Can Bp problem cause Erectile Dysfunction in men? – Yes
  2. What disease is the leading cause of Erectile Dysfunction? – Diabetes
  3. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused due to low sperm count? – Yes
  4. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused due to performance anxiety? – Yes
  5. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused due to Peyronie’s disease? – Maybe
  6. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused due to UTI? – Yes
  • Other Main Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

    • 6.1 Interference by drugs, alcohol, and medicines:
      • Smoking:

        Cigarette smoking is again the main cause of ED in men. According to research smoking may affect penile erection by the impairment of endothelium-dependent smooth muscle relaxation. Smoking habit in men restricts the arterial flow to the penis or acute vasospasm of the penile arteries. When someone is addicted to smoking there are detrimental effects on peripheral nerves and the vascular endothelium which ultimately leads to ultrastructural damage to the corporal tissue.
      • Important facts!
        Men who smoked more than 20 cigarettes daily had a 60% higher risk of erectile dysfunction(impotency), compared to men who never smoked according to a study.
        Quit smoking today!!

      • Alcohol and drug abuse:

        We also see that Erectile dysfunction is caused by drug use as well. Drug male abusers were more likely to have ED. Drug addiction results in decreased sexual desire and increased ejaculation latency. Heroine is considered as the main culprit drug for ED and decreased sexual desire followed by amphetamine and MDMA mono-users. Ejaculation latency can be seen in all the abusers.
      • ED caused by Medication:

        https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPheRRlu3q/Medicine prescribed by doctors to treat Hypertension (High blood pressure), High cholesterol, Depression, and psychiatric disorders, Prostate cancer has shown a negative effect on the erection of men‘s penis. These medications are said to be cause for erectile dysfunction among men.
      • Metabolic problems interfering with blood vessel function (endothelial dysfunction)

        Few other problems that can cause erectile dysfunction can be because of metabolic problems in men. Due to the metabolic problem, there is interference in the functioning of blood vessels which leads to other major issues that indirectly affect the blood flow in the penile area and cause erectile dysfunction.
        • Diabetes, Obesity, Sleep apnoea
        • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
        • High cholesterol, Smoking, Thyroid
        • Acromegaly (a condition caused by too much growth hormone)
        • Cortisone excess
        • Hypogonadism (a condition where the testes are not able to make enough
        • testosterone [androgen deficiency] and/or sperm [spermatogenesis])

      There are a number of prescription medicines that may cause erectile dysfunction. While these drugs may treat a disease or condition, they can also affect a man’s hormones, nerves, or blood circulation, resulting in ED or increase the risk of ED.If you experience ED and think that it may be a result of medication.

      • Porn Addiction

        Sustained consumption of Pornography can lead to unrealistic expectations from sex, erectile problems, and delayed ejaculation. Don’t hesitate, consult our best team of andrologists now.

Young and Adult Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile Dysfunction causes at a young age

Erectile Dysfunction causes at a young age

Erectile Dysfunction is possible at a young age as well. According to research 2out of 5 men get ED issues before entering their 30s. It generally occurs due to a lack of proper diet and other psychological or neurological issues. But by taking safety measures and proper diet along with Erectile dysfunction food and exercise, they can eliminate ED from their body.

Apart from improper blood circulation, Erectile Dysfunction can also be caused because of increasing age. Age symptoms also affect the sexual health of a person. So if a man is more than 40 years old and above then there are chances that he might get ED. But it has been found that young adults are also silently suffering from ED problems. Either they are too shy to discuss their problem with anyone or they are forbidden from the right sex education for youth.

Erectile Dysfunction Causes in Young Adult

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, when young adults don’t follow good eating habits and have more intake of low Flavonoid food they may suffer from Ed problems.

At 17 Erectile Dysfunction Cause

  • Symptoms: Depression, Anxiety, regular mood swings
  • Causes: Bad eating habits, Too much sitting, too much cycling, Penile injury, Smoking at an early age, drinking at an early age, Intake of coffee and alcohol in excess.
  • Treatment: Counselling, Sex education, Penile Rejuvenation Surgery, Medication.

In the 20s Erectile Dysfunction Causes

  • Symptoms: Depression, Anxiety, regular mood swings, no erection
  • Causes: Bad eating habits, addiction to porn, Too much sitting, penile injury, addiction to smoking at an early age, drinking at an early age, Intake of coffee, and alcohol in excess.
  • Treatment: Counselling, Sex education, Penile Rejuvenation Surgery, Medication.

Age 25 Erectile Dysfunction Cause

  • Symptoms: Depression, Anxiety, regular mood swings, no erection, low sex drive,
  • Causes: Bad testosterone level, Blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes
    Bad eating habits, too much masturbation, Too much sitting posture, Penile injury, smoking drinking at an early age, Intake of coffee, and alcohol in excess.
  • Treatment: Counselling, Sex education, Penile Rejuvenation Surgery, Medication.

In the 30s Erectile Dysfunction Causes

  • Symptoms: Low libido, Unsatisfied intercourse, Depression, Anxiety, regular mood swings, stress, no erection
  • Causes: Bad testosterone level, type 2 Diabetes, Blood pressure problem, Bad eating habits, side effects of masturbation done excessively, Too much sitting posture, Penile injury, smoking drinking at an early age, Intake of coffee and alcohol in excess.
  • Treatment: Relationship Counselling, Shock wave therapy, Penile Rejuvenation Surgery, Medication.

Age 50s Erectile Dysfunction Causes

  • Symptoms: Low libido, unsatisfied intercourse, Depression, Anxiety, regular mood swings, stress, no erection
  • Causes: Bad testosterone level, type 2 Diabetes, Blood pressure problem, Bad eating habits, too much masturbation, Too much sitting posture, Penile injury, smoking, drinking at an early age, Intake of coffee and alcohol in excess.
  • Treatment: Relationship Counselling, Shock wave therapy, Penile Rejuvenation surgery, Medication, prescribing viagra.

An estimated 150 million men suffer from ED problems and the number is going to get doubled by 2025.
Managing the problem of Erectile dysfunction is not just by taking viagra or easily available medicines on the Internet which claim to boost your sex life by more than 5,10,20 etc times. It is a problem that needs careful attention to detail, complete analysis of the patient including his lifestyle, and a holistic treatment approach by professionals.

Is erectile dysfunction caused by smoking or diabetes reversible?

Yes, reversible erectile dysfunction is possible if you follow the good diet guide on Ed and also indulge in some set of exercises daily and practice these 12 yoga asanas for erectile dysfunction. Thinking healthy, eating healthy, and feeling healthy is the key to taking a u-turn in the ED.

Visit the best Sexual Health Center in Jaipur for eliminating ED from your body

IASH, Jaipur stands for the Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health, and just like its name, it is a one-stop solution for all your sexual health care and problems. They are experts in treating all types of sexual dysfunction and not only treat the physical but all the psychological causes of ED.

You can ask the experts for any type of advice and guidance on your sexual health issue. We at IASH, also provide relationship counseling, exercise guides, and couple therapies to offer all the possible ways for eliminating ED or any other issues by the best methods possible.

Shock wave therapy, Penile rejuvenation therapy, Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation(PFR), penile prosthesis, sex therapy, and couple therapy are some treatments for erectile dysfunction available with IASH. The Vacuum Erection Device is one such external device that is FDA approved and is easy and safe to use. At IASH, we explain the step-by-step procedures for the safe and competent use of this device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Erectile Dysfunction Caused by smoking?
Ans. Yes, we can say that smoking can cause erection issues by affecting the blood vessels and its flow to the pelvic region. ED or Impotence can be caused due to various physical and psychological changes in a body and smoking is one of them that causes various adverse changes in a body.

Q2. Can Erectile Dysfunction be caused by medication?
Ans. There are a number of prescription medicines that may cause erectile dysfunction. While these drugs may treat a disease or condition, they can also affect a man’s hormones, nerves, or blood circulation, resulting in ED or increasing the risk of ED.

Q3. What are the underlying causes of Ed among young men?
Ans. Drug abuse, porn addiction, obesity, bad lifestyle, Hypertension, and low testosterone level are some underlying causes of erectile dysfunction among young people.

Q4. Can erectile dysfunction be cured?
Ans. In summary, erectile dysfunction treated, but it depends on the cause. Some causes of ED are easier to “cure” than others. But, with the right diagnosis, support, and treatment, it’s possible for ED to go away without the need for ED medications like Viagra (sildenafil) or Cialis (Tadalafil)

Q5. How can I test myself for erectile dysfunction?
Ans. Various forms of Erectile dysfunction self-tests can include. A nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) stamp test utilizes a roll of stamps around the penis to confirm erections at night. A newer type of NPT test that includes the use of a device to evaluate the quality of the man’s nighttime erection